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Member giving empowers our mission:

BRING people to Jesus  TEACH them to be disciples  BE the church in the world.

The Church at Woodmoor budgets 10% of church member pledges and offerings to support and strengthen Christian organizations, local and regional commenity needs and various missions.

Local Missions
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Tri-Lakes Cares

Tri-Lakes Cares a local community based, volunteer-supported resource center whose purpose is to improve people’s lives through emergency assistance, self-sufficiency and relief programs, education, and other social services. We collect food year-round for TLC. Non-perishable items may be dropped by the church anytime the office is open and on Sunday.

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La Puente

La Puente, Inc serves the San Luis Valley, the poorest area in Colorado, by providing shelter, food assistance, homeless prevention programs, 
job training, transitional housing, and much more. More than 30 years ago TC@W launched La Puente’s annual Christmas event, a celebration welcoming hundreds of low income children and adults. TC@W Youth and Kids make an annual mission trip to glean potatoes from the fields.

outside Alamosa for La Puente’s Food Banks. They average 1500 pounds of potatoes per trip!

We support La Puente's Shelter, the Food Banks, the PALS Children's Program, & the Adelante Housing Program.

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Springs Rescue Mission

Springs Rescue Mission is more than a place offering food and shelter to the homeless of Colorado Springs. Their ultimate goal is to provide the support and tools necessary to create lasting change and transformation in lives of those they serve.            
In addition to financial support, members and friends of The Church at Woodmoor fill lunch bags for the working homeless one Sunday a month after Worship. 

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Mt. Carmel Veterans Service Center

Mt. Carmel Veterans Service Center provides transition and employment assistance, behavioral health and wellness, supportive services, connection to community resources, and safe event space for veterans, military members and their families. Tom Miller’s “Turkeys for Military Families” event provides turkeys to more than 1,000 families every Thanksgiving. We supply the rest of the dinners.


Court Appointed Special Advocates of the Pikes Peak Region is a nonprofit organization that trains and supervises volunteers to represent the best interests of victims of child abuse, neglect, and severe domestic conflict. CASA volunteers are appointed by judges to be a voice for these children in court and in the community.

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Lutheran Family Services

Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains is a faith based, non-profit human services agency providing adoption, foster care, older adult, prevention, and refugee services since 1948. We provide help and support to children and families during their most challenging times regardless of race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation or age. At LFSRM, we believe that all people, from the newborn to the most elderly, are valued members of our community.

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Brad's House

Brad's House is a nonprofit quality residential treatment program for underprivileged boys who exist on the fringe of modern society. We help them to learn to reconnect, mature, and to manage their lives responsibly. 

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Wellspring Community

Wellspring Community provides educational, enrich,Ent nd business enterprise opportunities to adults with intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities such that they are empowered to love full, productive and satisfying lives in a God-centered and spiritually nourishing environment.
This community has an opportunity, given to them by the city of Castle Rock, and a retired La Quinta. This facility will be rehabbed into apartments for the Wellspring participants. It will provide housing and supervision from Wellspring employees. This is a result of 15 years of Wellspring showing the community the result of great opportunities and results for disabled adults who cannot live independently without support.

Sleep in Heavenly Peace

This local charity builds/provides beds for children in the local area who have none. Bedding -pillows, sheets, comforter, mattresses are also provided.

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Shield 616

Shield 616 was founded to provide all day rifle protection for first responders who sacrificially serve our communities. The team works tirelessly to help our first responders go towards danger knowing they have the best physical protections available and the love of their community behind them. They serve first responders including police, sheriff, fire and EMS. Our gift will go directly toward the protective gear for the Palmer Lake police officer, Officer Perry, who protects us each Sunday.

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Local Missions

Closer to home, we offer "Trunk or Treat", Presentations on various missions, Cheri Walsh Memorial Thanksgiving Boxes, Furrow Road Clean Up and others.

Worldwide Missions
Amboseli Children's Fund

The Amboseli Children's Fund is committed to transforming the lives of Maasai children living in extreme need in the remote area of Amboseli, Kenya. 

Government assistance does not exist for these people. Without our help, they have little hope of breaking free of this cycle of poverty. 

Education has been proven to be the single, most effective means of change and 100% of your donations go toward this endeavor.

We are currently sponsoring two children, Emmie & Michael, with donations from Youth and Children activities.

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Compassion International

Compassion International is a Christian child sponsorship program dedicated to the long-term development of children living in poverty in 25 countries worldwide.


Cru - We help support Doug and Carey Holm, Cru Missionaries. Cru exists to fulfill the Great Commission. They focus on creating spiritual movements that build up disciples and send them out to bring others to Christ.

Campus Crusade (also CRU)- Terri & Jamie Young

Pioneers - Vance & Patty Woodyard

Samaritan's Purse

After sharing the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus said “Go and do likewise.” That is the mission of Samaritan's Purse—to follow the example of Christ by helping those in need and proclaiming the hope of the Gospel.  We support Operation Christmas Child.

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One Nation Walking Together

Strives to make a positive impact!

One Nation Walking Together “ONWT” strives to make a positive impact in the lives of Native Americans. A people that are underserved and misrepresented. ONWT is an organization about People helping People—not a cause. By loading 53-foot semi-trucks that deliver up to $2 million worth of donated goods to reservations annually, ONWT provides hope and services to Native Americans in Colorado and seven other surrounding states.

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You are welcome to check with our office or Pastor for information on other international Missionaries supported by The Church at Woodmoor.


Worship Sundays at 10:00am

The Church at Woodmoor generally follows the closures for Lewis-Palmer School District #38. A school delay means an 11:00am church opening M - Th. 

Regular church office hours: 9:00am - 3:00pm

Mondays - Thursdays.

There are no job openings at this time.


Call: (719) 488-3200

Messages checked when office is closed.


18125 Furrow Rd., Monument, Colorado, 80132

Mail checked daily.


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