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We celebrate life through worship and service across many

Christian traditions.  All are welcome! Hello!  We are so  glad you stopped by our site! We're guessing you are looking for a church; so here is a little about who we are at The Church at Woodmoor.
In a word: Community!
From the first time this group met more than 45 years ago to this very day, we honor that we are a community of faith made up of Christ followers who desire nothing more than living out the model He set for us in scripture and example.
We believe that our most important mission on this earth is service to one another in and out of our building. As we look through these pages I hope you can see that we take this calling very seriously.
We also like to have fun. We share many events through the year with one another and the community. Nothing makes us happier than looking out on our gatherings to see people of all ages, genders, ethnicities, and political philosophies celebrating their mutuality: love for one another and for God.
We hope you will visit us in person soon so that we can include you in this truly unique place called The Church at Woodmoor.
Love!    The Church at Woodmoor Family 


  • Authentic, imperfect, down-to-earth people, who are seeking to follow God in the way of Jesus

  • Historic building located on 18 acres of beautiful pines, full of character that both honors the past and reflects the creativity of our current community.

  • An open welcome, a hot cup of coffee, and a desire that you will not feel new here for very long

  • An atmosphere of warmth, welcome, and acceptance, celebrating that we all come from different cultural and religious backgrounds

  • Traditional beautiful music that inspires and brings us closer to God

  • Inspiring, fun place for our youth (including those with special needs) to learn about the love of God (link to connect with us)

  • Orthodox, historic Christian teaching with relevance for today

  • A commitment to outreach with opportunities to serve in our church, community and world (link to Outreach)

  • Small group opportunities to foster deeper relationship with God and others


  • We have one service weekly at 10am which is followed by fellowship with coffee and food.

  • When you arrive, you will be welcomed. If you have children, they are welcome to attend worship.

  • We also have a nursery for the very young beginning in the Fall. Sunday School for K-12 begins after the Children's message.

  • Our worship services are relaxed and casual.

  • We observe a traditional style, singing hymns and worship choruses. A variety of scripture, creeds, and liturgies are part of our weekly readings.

  • Our choir, led by Jonathan Lowry and accompanied by Barbara Taylor, sings each week during the school year.  It is not uncommon to find an ensemble of our children, youth, or area musicians also providing music on some Sundays. We have special music during the Summers.

  • We state our belief in the Apostle’s Creed every Sunday, listen to the scripture readings and Gospel, and learn from authentic and relevant sermons focused on Jesus’ teachings and how to live out the great commandment. Communion is celebrated one Sunday each month.


  • We want you to feel at ease, so wear whatever clothes you are comfortable in. We believe God cares more about our hearts than our clothes. You will usually find people dressed anywhere from jeans and to nice casual wear. 


We are located off of Highway 105 & Furrow Road in Monument, Co. We have ample parking.

If you have any more questions, give us a call at (719) 488 - 3200  or email us at


Worship Sundays at 10:00am

The Church at Woodmoor generally follows the closures for Lewis-Palmer School District #38. A school delay means an 11:00am church opening M - Th. 

Regular church office hours: 9:00am - 3:00pm

Mondays - Thursdays.

There are no job openings at this time.


Call: (719) 488-3200

Messages checked when office is closed.


18125 Furrow Rd., Monument, Colorado, 80132

Mail checked daily.


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news about our church and events.

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